This is about to be your year! Have you determined an intention to take action? That is actually what a New Year’s resolution is… A determined intention. How determined are you? So often New Year’s Resolutions are made and kept for only about two weeks at best. This is typically because of an all or nothing mentality AND/OR the fact that there are too many unrealistic “rules” to the goal. Some of you don’t make them at all for fear of failure based on your past behaviors. Here, we are going to find peace in moving on. Forget what is behind you and reach for what is in front of you. With these strategies, you will face the New Year with New Hope.
So first, we set the goal, right? We must make sure that what we expect of ourselves is realistic and actually achievable. It truly must Fit your Life Well. The goal must be a SMART goal. For example you won’t run a marathon in a few months if you have never even ran a mile. So when you set the goal, ask yourself if it is a smart and reasonable one or if you are just setting yourself up to fail.
Second, don’t just go at it willy-nilly wishing and hoping for results. There has to be structure. Sit down and plot out exactly what you’re going to do. If all you’re thinking about is the end goal, and the steps that get you there are blurry, you will lose your way. Take it slow and steady. Realize that your focus should actually be on the strategy that gets you to the goal, rather than the goal itself. We have to be smart here too! Make sure that what you expect of yourself is sustainable. The example here would be that if you are doing a fad, crash diet, you will crash and burn! I know that doesn’t sound very positive, and you’re used to such positivity out of me… But if all I bring you here is butterflies and rainbows, I am doing you a complete disservice! Part of your strategy should be to get laser focused on creating habits, good habits, that become part of your lifestyle, that are conducive to the goal. We must be even more specific with our plan than the goal itself. You can’t just say “I’m going to be a better ‘so-n-so'” How are you going to do that? What is your specifically laid out plan to get you there? Also, your plan must not be loaded with “rules”, rather expectations. Not things like “I can not_____” or I must not_____”, rather “I expect of myself to______”. Now, all of this being said, your structure and exact plan may be sent some curve balls at times, because….you know… throws curve balls. Sometimes we have to embrace doing the minimum. Ya know? It’s never about perfection. Control what you can control.
Next, don’t allow an environment that opposes your goals. Instead, create one that makes them inevitable. In an ideal world, you’d have no obstacles and everyone would cheer you on, but, let’s face it, that’s not real life. Think ahead and try to identify the things that you have a tendency to overvalue, that make you feel good in the moment and that you undervalue the potential long-term consequences of. That way you can be mindful to create an environment that doesn’t include these stumbling blocks. Your environment especially includes the people around you. Sadly people can be our biggest stumbling blocks. Let those around you know that you have set some goals that are very important to you and that you need them to be supportive. In addition, meet new people with aligned goals to add to your social circle. If someone is simply a downer to your goals, you may have to consider distancing yourself from them. Boundaries are healthy and sometimes they include people.
Finally, expect a little discomfort. Implementing changes that make you better isn’t exactly comfortable, and therefore consistency is a real struggle. You’re not alone, really it happens to everyone. Anyone who has ever reached a goal of any kind had a tough time doing it. Sometimes it means walking away from comfort and into difficulties purposefully, because ultimately that’s what’s best for you, because ultimately that is how you will be the happiest. With walking away from comfort comes “falling” a bit. So don’t worry if it isn’t perfect. Just because you may fall off the wagon, doesn’t mean you can’t get back on it. Just because you have TEMPORARY failure, doesn’t mean that’s it, it’s over, you missed your chance. It doesn’t cancel your goal! Practice makes progress. So you get up and just try again, and again, and again, and AGAIN! There’s joy in perseverance and there’s strength to be gained from it. As you know, strength is more than a muscle, it’s a mentality. One of the most important fights you will ever fight is your inner voice that has been conditioned for mediocracy and the easy road, because it is more comfortable. You will need to practice reconditioning your mental strength to sweat through that discomfort.
Here’s the tough Love: When you think about your daily actions, don’t applaud yourself for doing the stuff you’re just supposed to do anyway. Don’t just be ordinary. What are you going to do that is over and above? Willingness to set tough goals for yourself and exercising the DISCIPLINE to do hard, uncomfortable things, defines ordinary from extraordinary. Extraordinary is your destiny. Ugh, why do I keep using that ugly word “discipline”, that feels like punishment???? Destiny demands discipline. Discipline is not ‘Punishment’, it is ‘Placement’. Proverbs 12:1 says “Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid.” Yes! It flat out says “stupid”! Don’t believe me? Look it up! Your discipline is going to place you right at your goal.
So now let’s go do it! Let’s set some real goals and stop just making wishes! You’ve always shown up for everyone else. It’s time to start showing up for yourself. I’m praying for you this year. That you will keep your promises to yourself, and that this year you will have Rugged Perseverance and Indestructible Hope!
You are loved and you are important,
Coach A